With April 15th rapidly approaching, we’re ‘all business’ right now, but it’s also a priority for us to take a moment to thank those of you who were able to meet with us and file early! Three cheers for organization, communication, and collaboration. 

Please remember that completed return(s) and original source documents— for yourself and/or your business— are saved in your secure SmartVault account and, as such, are available for your reference at any time.

And, if filing early wasn’t possible for you this year, but an extension was filed on your behalf, please know we are working diligently to process your paperwork. However, we cannot guarantee it will be completed by the 15th. 

That said, if you’re running behind and still need to share documents with us, be assured there are resources in SmartVault, like tax organizers and online payment links, to help make the process faster, as well as more efficient and convenient. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Laura Hunter at laura@gsm.biz.

Again, thank you for trusting in our team! 

With Appreciation, 

The GSM Advisory Group

Organization may spark joy for some, but an organized record keeping system spurs exhilaration for our firm! As you’re clearing the cobwebs around the file cabinets, keep this trio of tips in mind:

  1. Identify what needs to be saved and for how long (see below).
  2. Save paper AND digital copies.
  3. Ensure trusted people know how to access your files in the event of an emergency.

For specifics about what needs to be kept and for how long, visit the IRS’s Recordkeeping Resources here.

While you’re in spring cleaning mode, be sure to conduct a sweep of your financial and record inventory. And, consider if there may be anything missing, specifically, something that a relative may have left to you or never claimed. 

Now, how can you look for something that you may not know is missing? You start by visiting the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators’ website, which was created by state officials to help you search for funds (for free!) that may belong to you or your relatives. 

There are also state-specific websites, such as the following for Pennsylvania and New Jersey, that you can search for unclaimed property (that may be in the name of a deceased relative).

✔️ April 15th: 1st Quarter Payment Due

✔️ June 17th: 2nd Quarter Payment Due

To submit state or local payments online, please visit our resources page.

“We have gained a lot of insight through our quarterly planning meetings. GSM’s team is great at sharing new things to consider.” 

Derek Lindeman

Founder, Escape Room Franchise

Marlton, NJ

Ready to be enlightened, too? Then, schedule a quarterly tax meeting with us. To reserve a date/time, please click below.

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